Heart and Mind: The two dimensions of communication

In her TED talk, "I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left," Megan Phelps-Roper offers four conditions that, when met, enable us to have constructive conversations with "the other." Her first three conditions are examples of the  heart dimension of communication, and her last is an example of the mind dimension. 

The 3:1 ratio is important. Too often we short-change the heart dimension, creating a relationship that lacks the connection, trust and resilience necessary for engaging in a difficult conversation.

The following fleshes out the heart and mind dimensions in a little more detail.

The ground beneath "common ground"

"I just prayed that the workshop would give me some tools to manage whatever interactions might transpire with this guy." 

That's what Amy thought as she unintentionally sat down next to a Trump supporter at a recent Difficult Conversations workshop. Over the course of the day she made a critical discovery: What we typically think of as common ground —shared opinions, attitudes and beliefs — is in reality a false floor.